Advanced CG Compositing and Look Development
This is an advanced CG Compositing course for Nuke with numerous levels of complexity. The course has been designed to simulate a standard visual effects studio pipeline - so you can get real experience compositing a shot like this. And, you get a great shot for your demo reel.
Course Length
40+ Hours (4-5 Weeks)

Intermediate / Advanced

Get CG Renders, FX,
Matte Elements, 3D GEO

Email Support
If you need it!
This is an online course with all of the content provided, you can learn at your own pace but also have support if needed.
This is a student project Ryota Deishi produced on his own after taking THIS course.

Ryota Deishi★★★★★
Professional Compositor
Thank you Alex! I believe that I am where I am today thanks to your Nuke Advanced CG Compositing Course!

Your Instructor
Alex Hanneman
Alex is a Senior Compositor with experience working on numerous feature films. He has worked at top VFX studios worldwide - including Weta Digital, Industrial Light and Magic, Sony Pictures Imageworks, and more
Art, and Compositing Principles
This course offers a comprehensive, 40-hour exploration of Alex's creative process, demonstrating how he crafts a shot from the ground up.
You'll receive a thorough explanation every step of the way. The curriculum begins with an overview of artistic theory, serving as the bedrock for the ensuing lessons.
We then delve into a range of techniques designed to consistently apply these foundational principles. This systematic approach not only bolsters your understanding of the underlying artistic concepts, but also equips you with the skills to construct and refine intricate composites.
Perceive, Blend, Create
Compositing isn't just about nodes; it's about enhancing your vision as an artist and broadening your capabilities as a compositor.
We focus on developing your ability to perceive contrast more sharply, navigate complex script hierarchies with ease, and seamlessly blend elements into a coherent whole.
We delve into the nuances of light fall-off and the art of seeing - or selectively losing - detail, much like a painter working their magic on a canvas. By cultivating a deeper understanding of these aspects, you'll find your approach to compositing invigorated, shedding light on new possibilities for your craft.
Unveiling the Craft: Key Techniques in Advanced VFX Compositing
We'll dive deep into the world of silhouettes, forms, light, and shadow. You'll also gain hands-on experience with 3D matte painting workflows, managing overscan and bounding boxes, applying motion blur across many layers, and understanding primary and secondary grading.
You'll learn to manage complex parallax, change element parallax, and utilize warps and creative tools to generate intricate forms. The course will also guide you through the process of simulating motion and overlap, creating complex volume rays, and layering them.
A significant part of your learning journey will be spent understanding light direction, light bounces, atmospherics, attenuation, and edge blending. You'll delve into material properties and the art of integrating 2D elements, making them look 3D, and using 2D images for texture detail. There's a lot to unpack, and every topic has been carefully chosen and structured to make you a master in VFX compositing.
Your Path to VFX Artistry
This course has numerous insights into the creative side of compositing, such as designing lens flares, compositing explosions, creating 2.5D effects like trails, flames, and plasma, or even learning to utilize element libraries to design new effects.
Step up to the challenge, join us in this comprehensive journey, It's more than just a course; adding creative skills to your arsenal is an additional stepping stone to an enriching and rewarding career in visual effects.
Who should enroll in this class?
Individuals who possess a foundational understanding of Nuke's 2D and 3D system and are eager to enhance their artistic skills. (Can be found here: NK101-NK404)
Junior or mid-level VFX compositors seeking to refine their expertise.
Anyone interested in honing their craft through hands-on practice with top-tier VFX assets.
Studios aiming to elevate their VFX compositors' abilities and enhance their LookDev capabilities.
•Willingness to learn
•Minimum 50 GB of Storage. You will be pre-comping, so you will need probably 100-200gb free as well. This can be done on an external SSD as well.
•Nuke Non Commercial (Free), Nuke Indie, or Nuke License.
•Minimum of 16gb ram is recommended.
Technical Requirements
✓ Fundamental knowledge of Nuke (Taught in NK101, 202, 303, 404)
✓ Adequate computer RAM (recommended 8GB minimum)
✓ Access to Nuke Non-Commercial (It’s a free download.)
✓ Fast enough internet connection to stream online video
✓ Minimum 50 GB of Storage. You will be pre-comping, so you will need probably 100-200gb free as well.
✓ Patience and willingness to practice